Proper Wrist Hinge in Golf Backswing

on September 16, 2022
Golf backswing wrist hinge provides leverage to boost power in the swing and improve control of the club. Likewise, if you’re struggling to add power and send your ball in the air, it is highly likely that your wrist hinge is incorrect. But what is a wrist hinge and what role does it play in the golf swing?
You might have heard other players telling you to not hinge your wrist. Sure, you can send your golf ball flying without hinging your wrist. But how high and how far do you think it will go? You have wasted speed and power that could have delivered your shot at an ideal distance and angle. 


The Importance of Wrist Hinge

If you want to send your golf ball flying with good distance and flight, proper wrist action will help you generate and unload speed and power through your impact. The wrist hinge is also responsible for setting and controlling the club. Your wrist movement will set your club right back in the square face as you downswing.

In the backswing, both the arms and the body should coordinate smoothly and move in sync at the takeaway while the wrists prepare to load. Remember that there is no wrist hinge during the takeaway.



When Do You Hinge Your Wrist in the Backswing? 

Wrist hinge begins right after the takeaway in the backswing. It’s when your club and hands are leveled on your waist during your swing. There are 2 moments when you can begin hinging your wrist.

#1 When your arms reach parallel to the ground.

As soon as your hands are both parallel to the ground, you can begin to fold your wrist

#2 When your club nears the top of your backswing

As your club reaches the top of your backswing, at this point, your wrist naturally hinges or folds. However, not hinging your wrist right up to the top of your backswing will prevent your wrist from hinging at all.



Common Mistakes in Wrist Hinge

#1 Early wrist hinge

Perhaps one of the most common mistakes when it comes to golf backswing wrist hinge is folding the wrist early, believing it loads more power and speed. It actually has the opposite effect. Hinging your wrist during the takeaway is something you should avoid. As mentioned, the takeaway is all but arms and hands in extended and coordinated movement. Folding your wrist too early will result in overhinging which leads to loss of power.

It is during the takeaway that you are setting your club to make it easier to control during the transition.

#2 Hinging too late

Not hinging your wrist until you reach the top of your backswing will prevent you from hinging your wrist. This could entirely affect your shoulder and hip turn as you downswing. The tendency is you change the direction of your wrist which results in losing control of your club, weakening your force, and losing the timing of your release.


How to Properly Hinge Your Wrist 

  • Properly grip your club
  • Relax your arms, hands, wrist, and shoulders. When you’re tense, it will be difficult to hinge your wrist at a proper phase. 
  • Maintain good balance and weight transfers
  • It is important to end your takeaway with your club facing parallel to the ground
  • Hinge your wrist upward while your forearms create a 90-degree angle
  • Reach the top of your backswing while maintaining your wrist angles for a smoother downswing transition. 


 Watch this video and learn the proper backswing sequence.  Add 30 yards to your shots with one simple tweak.  


Generate effortless power and speed in your swing by simply hinging your wrist correctly. Practice proper swing positioning and angles using SwingPro Plus golf training aid. It helps you stabilize your rotation while setting your arms, hands, and shoulders in their proper position. Feel the correct wrist hinge and improve your overall play and lower your scores.  
If that’s not enough reason, we are also running a limited-time offer. If you buy our SwingPro Plus, you will also get a Wrist Corrector Training Aid (UP: 54.99) for FREE ! Grab yours now and start acing that golf play!